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Press ReleaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEBohner & Koehle Maschinenfabrik Bought by Burkhart & WeberBurkhart & Weber expand their product lines with the Bokö milling machine lines.Esslingen, Germany - Burkhart & Weber Holding has completed negotiations for the purchase of Bohner & Koehle Maschinenfabrik, GmbH & Co. They will purchase only the engineering, inventory and trademark assets leaving the empty company to the court appointed receiver, Dr. Viniol, who organized the liquidation of the company after the foreclosure proceedings of the Deutsche Bank. This purchase is good for the employees of Bokö. Burkhart & Weber has said that they will continue to manufacture and sell the Bokö product lines. Mr. Peter Koehle, grandson of one of the founders of Bohner & Koehle Maschinenfabrik,k has been asked to remain on staff and head up the new division. Bokö USA, Inc. has not been directly effected by the change in ownership at this time. For More Information Contact:
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